Friday, August 31, 2007

Three Tres Test

Got this idea from Bianca’s blog.

three names you go by:
1. syve
2. ves (my nickname back at hometown)
3. syvs/syves/syvz

three screen names you have had (ok, I’d prefer three names I used when I was working as a call center agent):
1. monica (my fave character in Friends)
2. jamie (inspired by mandy’s character in A Walk to Remember)
3. forgot the rest

three physical things you like about yourself:
1. lips
2. eyes
3. nose
three plus: body-build – with height and weight in just-right proportions

three physical things you don't like about yourself:
1. feet
2. legs
3. skin type (no big deal actually; i’m not that vain.)

three parts of your heritage:
1. filipino
2. indonesian
3. indian (aha!)

three things that scare you:
1. losing my loved ones
2. my loved ones being wrongfully or legally accused
3. being helpless or dying when I still have obligations to fulfill (a moment of drama)

three of your everyday essentials:
1. computer (for its multiple functionality)
2. anti-stress vitamins (need one coz I have multiple duties now)
3. cellphone (for obvious practical reasons)

three things you want in a relationship:
1. high respect for family and commitment
2. genuine affection
3. openness to try new things together (wholesome ni ha!)

three physical things about the opposite sex that appeals to you:
1. eyes
2. nose
3. height (at least taller than me)
three plus: voice (not in the physical category, though)

three of your favorite hobbies:
1. grocery shopping
2. writing (once I’m into it)
3. videoke (hehehe)

three ways that you are stereotypically a girl:
1. my bath times take long.
2. i like wearing my hair pretty.
3. i cry easily when I feel slighted by my loved ones. (unsaon, spoiled!)
three plus: I want to rekindle the “kilig factor” in a relationship time and again.

three things you want to do really badly now:
1. work in a bigger company
2. get better pay
3. be inspired again at work

three careers you're considering/you've considered:
1. songwriter
2. singer-actress (and the big bucks – I wish!)
3. pre-school teacher

three celeb crushes:
1. there was a time that I really liked Val Kilmer.. haven’t seen him in quite a while
2. matt damon (caught by the Bourne bug)
3. anne curtis, angel locsin (killer bodies! haha!!)

(to be continued)


J o a N said...

hi syves!

by the way, i changed link:


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much appreciated

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